Chan Su Ling.
That's all the dedication there is folks!! Mwahahahahaha~~ Was forced to put her name in here actually.
Now on to more pressing matters than her (xP). I made an utter complete fool of myself in front of "Lookalike" today. Not just once. Nope, not twice either. But three god-awful times! Yes, you may laugh at me now, I permit it for just this once. First, he caught me in a "frozen in shock" dancing-in-seat-while-cheering pose. He looked on in disbelief. Then when I was out telling Lisa about my latest embarassing caper complete with movements and facial expressions, I half-turned and BANG! there he was again. Witness to my silliness. He looked on in shock.

Then after he'd walked away to presumably look for someone, he came back to the same spot and stood nearby. I didn't know how near me he was. Unfortunately, Lisa helped embarass me further by saying loudly "Eh come I push you there!" and "Aiyo go nearer him laaa!!". I peeked and he was only a few feet away. Omfg. I swear I died of humiliation. Thank you, Lisa, you know I love you~ Heh (==)
Anyways, I just noticed "Munchys" got a new haircut today and gawd he looks even more hotter-slash-adorable-slash-droolworthy than before. If that's even possible or legal. He shouldn't be allowed to roam loose with that degree, that level of hunkiness! Lawl~ Me likessssss......