Thursday, April 30, 2009

~Random Postings Chapter~

I have a pet dislike for people who put the blame on others even though the blame is clearly theirs to take. And then they put on that innocently sweet facade so that they may look like the victims. Pahhh. Oh well, I guess you can say these are the people who "spice" things up, literally. They make people boil with rage actually. But I digress. Anyway, I got this from randomly checking out people's blogs, Marian's in particular (=

Rules ::: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

1. Age of next birthday ::: Twenty (shit the "terrible twos"........nooo!!)

2. A place I would like to travel to ::: Yorkshire, England
3. A favourite place ::: Stables with a cozy, rustic feel, definitely!

4. Nickname I had ::: "Yun" (omg it's also U-Know of DBSK's name yay!!)

5. A favourite colour: Blue (well, purple too, but they only wanted one so it was eeny-meeny-miny-mo)

6. A favourite food ::: LASAGNA~! *drools over keyboard*

7. College/ University major ::: Business Management (sounds IS sometimes)

8. Name of my love ::: Tough one, had to decide between FOOD and SLEEPING but ta-daa~ Sleep it is (=

9. A hobby ::: ♥ Horseback riding (since always)

10. A bad habit ::: Getting mad reallll fast (hear me *ROARRR*)
11. My wishlist ::: A puppyyy! Omg see how adorable this one is??
People to tag --> Anyone who wants to do this or has nothing else better to do (eg ::: itchy hands, dead boredom, wtv) lol~