Saturday, September 27, 2008

~M&M's Chocolate Chapter~

Ahh to heck with this ol' softie of a heart that belongs to me. Waaay toooo weak, let me say first. Hahaha everything that I've said or done is the exact opposite of what I really wanna say to "him" or what I need to do. And these songs by Secondhand Serenade that I'm listening to aren't exactly helping either. Do I believe all those lovingly crafted words he sends to me so often? Do I trust the whispers of such love that he claims to hold for me? Questions, questions and more of them. They say loving "him" would give me pain and be full of sacrifices. But I'd rather take that pain and have to make lots of sacrifices than not to be loved by "him", or so I thought. Now I'm not so sure of it myself anymore. Secondhand Serenade sings "I was born to tell you I love you; I am torn to do what I have to; To make you mine, to stay with me tonight". Heh. This self-wallowing is going to get me nowhere. In that very case, I shall move on to a more lighter topic: worshipping my photography idol, Kane Gorman!! Wheee~~ And so folksies, today is the final part of *drumrolls please, thanks* Kane Gorman's photos (for the time being lah, until he adds new ones)!! So yeah, you GO Kane!!