Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~Jellywine Gums Chapter~

Ah heck it. I already knew some matsallehs were way too open in their actions and words and thoughts (?? wokays.....not going to go where their thoughts are) and whatnot. Yet, I still fell for the whole well crafted stuped rigmarole HE put on and what's that? Oh yes, ended up hurting myself again. Mmhmm.....ladeez and gennlemen, Liyun goes and does it again! Pfffsh. This is where I look at my goddamn self in the mirror and berate the person staring back. And then go out and fall for the whole freakin' process again. Eh why? Oh that one's easy, I heartily admit it's cause I'm way too soft on the inside. I don't think I'll last long in what they call "the outside world" now, what with this, that, those, these and you-know-who. I need to learn how to harden up that ol' ticking heart all over again.

As it is, I'm trying. Oh believe you me, I'm trying. However, some of me darling well-wishers say it ain't enough. I need to get strong, they say. I need to get tough, sez them. And as a character in 'Cool Runnings' said, "I see pride! I see power! I see a badass mother who won't take no crap off of nobody!!"..........uhh.....heh. Right. That came out wrong somehow. Whoops; let's move on to some other little niggling thought that isn't so hardcore as that, now shall we?

This here post is one of 'em where I shall post some piccies I took (oh alright already! My dad and teeny tiny sis took some of 'em too) while in Penang during the week long mid-semester holidays we SAM people had. Though mind you, that holiday just whooshed past like it had all the hounds of Hell/Hades/Devil/wtv after it. Wtf really. 1st set of pictures came from having dinner at a "quaint" little restaurant high up above a tiny jetty with the sea as its backdrop (as well as whole big wafts of pungent, fishy smells for the surrounding "aroma"). 2nd set, what happens when your 5th uncle discovers a hidden temple where wild boars come out punctually every night and you're able to "stroke" them if you can get close enough. Last set depicts how it is at the Chew Jetty and some random picture taken there as well.