Monday, September 15, 2008

~I Fucking Despise Them Chapter~

Thank you so much oh you bloody fucking retarded bastards of snatch thieves. Yeah you heard me right. This post is dedicated to all those godawful assholes out there who have no fucking lives. You managed to injure my father and traumatise my sister to no FUCKING end, screw you to hell!! Goddamn these idiotic snatch thieves who happen to be hua na lang (hokkien here yeah so what). Not that I have anything against these people but what the fucking hell la!! According to my mom who was in the house at the time, my dad was about to send my sister to her tuition class when four of those hua na bastards came out of nowhere on two motorbikes and that's when all hell broke loose. Two of them got off their goddamn bikes with two bloody fucking parangs and one went for my dad, the other SON OF A BITCH went for my sister!! Like what the FUCKING SHIT??!! And hell yeah, the asshole of a mahai twisted my sister's wrists to show something of a warning threat to my dad not to do anything rash till the poor kid was traumatised (YOU READ THAT YOU FUCKTARDS?? THAT'S TRAUMATISED YOU SOHAIS!!!) and till now, she ain't herself. Let's see, where was I? Oh yes, the fucktards grabbed my dad's PDA and the car keys. Because of that, my dad fell and injured himself badly (oh wanna know something else you sons of bitches? My dad was trailing blood all over the house no thanks to you mahais!!) They asked for his wallet too but luckily my dad kept his wits about him and told them it was in his bag which happened to be in the car. They grabbed his whole bag with our old camera in it then made off like the bunch of bloody motherfucking cowards that they really are. And all of this broo-haha happened right in front of my very house gates. Heh. Or rather, whtdafck. What lah in the world is the security levels of Malaysia really getting to? Like, omg, can we not walk the very streets in front of our own houses without the goddamned unnecessary need to feel worried or constantly look back over our shoulders with fear?? Like jeez louise man!! I don't know about you people but heck, I'm outta here. Nonono, not out of this neighbourhood. Out. Of. This. Country. Period. If ever I can, I really want to make sure my future family ain't gonna live in the same fear we people do over here at the moment. Wanna know why so many good people moving out of this country? Heh. Just take a look at the security levels in our very own backyards and then only ask why.