Friday, November 21, 2008

~Verily Adorable Chapter~

10 Promises To My Dog
I managed to get out of the house for a much needed break over at One Utama with my little "anak moyang" on Wednesday. T'was before the huge, much-awaited corroboree event that was to begin that night and I figured a small outing with a bestie would be perfect to loosen me up abit. Decided to catch this seriously awesome movie, "10 Promises To My Dog" over at Cinema5. It really wasn't what I expected. We knew the movie was directed by the same person who directed "Quill" as well, but honestly man, that movie really rocks socks [although I have yet to watch "Quill", I just fell for the little puppy on the ad for "10 Promises" x3]!! Suffice to say I find the movie is a hit and Celineey and I cried to end. Heck, the whole of row A where we were seated had girls that were sobbing tak henti-henti. And yes, I'm not ashamed to admit I cried waterfalls of tears till my jacket got wet. Pffft ;))

Go watch the movie. Now. No excuses. Shoo. And since I'm bored stiff [no thanks to "someone" who promised to go kai-kai with me but ended up ffk-ing me instead *bleh*], I shall now post pictures of some friggingly seriously adorable animals I wish I could have, but in no particular order :::

wallaby (nope not a kangaroo)

ferret(=3)fennec fox(i love the ears)serval cat(mini cheetah with big ears)baby penguin(schleepy cute)white tiger(squeezably so)baby seal(seriously huggable)

red squirrel(love the tail) baby polar bear(oO.Oo) dolphins(too slippery to be cuddly but wth) finally,a falcon(not an animal,i know,but who cares)