Sunday, October 5, 2008

~Perfectly Odd Chapter~

Yes I made a new friend once again via Facebook. Yes, he's perfectly charming and nice and sweet. And yes, he just happens to be an American all over again. Deja vu no? Not that I have anything against Americans, oh no, don't get me wrong! I actually have a few good friends that I find absolutely amazing; but seriously, the stuff I've heard and read from some of 'em are just plain weeeeird. Not only do I have to deal with over-loving, unbelievably astounding stories, but I am expected to reply to them! Like, okay~ I am speechless over the "correct" way of replying to these people, no joke. Any-which-ways, this particular new friend of mine is another one with his very own brand of strange tales: he was from a poor family, his parents divorced when he was two, his mother with a nasty crack cocaine habit disowned him not soon after, then stole nearly $23,000 from him and his sister to fund her habit, dated almost 200 girls in his 20 years of existence, he faced many near-death experiences, having to work hard in order to fund his studies, studying night classes, etc, etc AND etc~ One excerpt of his recent message to me about his near-death experience runs something like this:

When I was 16, a drunk driver ran me off the road one night on my way home, and I flipped and hit a tree. I broke my eyesocket, nose, 8 ribs, my sternum, and my ankle, and I had a massive concussion, a collapsed lung, cut my liver in half, and bruised my heart. When the paramedics found me I'd freed myself and walked to the road to flag down help, but when they were stitching up my (formerly) paralyzed right arm, my bruised heart seized, and once again, the doctors failed to resuscitate me, but yet again, my heart restarted.

Honestly speaking, I don't know what to make of it all. Oh there's more to that where it came from. And from other messages as well. A whooole lot more, and all quite unbelievable really, even to the most sanest person, even to the most youngest child who reads it. He sounds all so wonderfully serious about what he says (he seems to believe it and wants me to as well) but.....oh I don't know. Too many bruised hearts and false words have hardened my resolve not to fall so easily anymore. Heh.

On a different note altogether, I managed to get my parents to take me to the Central Market over near Pasar Seni for more dress shoppings. Suffice to say, we toured the whole Market but once again, it was a total no-go. At the first store we went to, mom and I managed to agree on one dress, a two-piece, halter neck, royal blue one with gold embroidery on the hems. Simply divine. Unfortunately, the top was too "tight" according to my mom and showed way too much skin. Tsk, the conservative upbringing of my parents can be a bit too overbearing at times. So Central Market is off the list. Dad next dropped us off at OU to see if we could anything out of walking round and round like zombies on a mission~ Yeehaa!! So, yeah, that's essentially what we did. Checking out all the stores that looked promising. No prizes for guessing the outcome. Yeap, none. Nada. Zilch. Tomorrow is a new day and I managed to whine and complain until my parents agreed to let me go to Mid Valley and start the mission all over again~ So be it! Wish me luck , tomorrow I embark on the quest to find the perfect dress! Oyasuminasai!