Someone once mentioned to me that I was so lucky to have a month long of semester breaks and yet I'm sitting at home, alone, making my butt grow bigger with my addiction to my online game. Pffft. Guess what? I lost 1kg doing simply nothing. Since I'm so absorbed in my virtual world, I forget to eat (ahahahaha) and thus can burn those jiggly love handles easily. Anywhichways, my beloved game has decided to act up, and I mean really act up, and is lagging crazily horribly madly. As it was, I was banging angrily away at my keyboard and the screen, hoping it'll all be ok, but nooo the darned thing still remained obstinately stuck. Sighing, I decided to do something else, something more productive.
Half an hour later. Life finds me stoning at the scattered newspapers on the coffee table and the floor, trying to make some sense of the jumbled words. No use. Give up.
An hour plus later. Life finds me stoning on the bed, trying my very darndest best to catch some shut-eye (God knows I needed some badly). Not working either. Give up.
Two hours later. Life finds me stoning at the blasted computer screen, wishing and hoping and praying that my game had miraculously found its way back to normalcy. Nope. Give up.
Two and a half hours later. Life finds me sobbing miserably in a crumpled heap in the darkest corner of a room that I can find. Am just kidding. Game is back to normal speed and am happily ensconced in my beloved virtual world. Stick myself on autopilot and come out here to blog about how "life-threatening" and very "enlightening" my day was.
Lol. Yes, I love me too ^^~