I finally found the courage (lolol) to step out of the house and out of my virtual world to live my life again. In other words, go back to my once-normal-social-life. Darling cousin came over for the weekend, is still here actually haha, and we had a blast of a time. T'is cliche, but hell, time practically whooshes past you without giving you time to draw breathe when you have the bestest fun. Almost time for her to go back, she's due back at her students' residence Sunday evening. Only a mere few hours away. Am spending time updating my blog about the latest escapades we always seem to get up to, as I keep an ear open to the conversation between mom, cousin and occasional interruption from sister.
Went out for lunch at this club that I personally feel is rundown, but was apparently the "in place to be" about 50 years ago. Lunch there was ok I guess, for their standards, nothing to shout about. Went off to dad's client's condo. Took loads of piccies and had oodles of fun doing the weird, wacky (we specialise in 'em, yeah!) stuff we cook up. Will let the pix tell the tales I want to tell but am too lazy to haha. Later at night, we wanted to eat seafood at Fatty Crab over in Taman Mega but since it was packed to the roof with people, we went to the opposite restaurant instead. Food was ok and I "enjoyed" making a fool of myself hammering away at bloody hard crab shells that stubbornly refuse to break. Heh. Later on, t'was my cuzzie darling's early 21st birthday! Hippiest burfday sweetie! You ain't old, just a "senior teenager" rofl! Love you loads, xoxoxoxo.....