Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~My Uni Life Chapter~

I totally agree 135% (and more probably) with the recent blog posts of the person-who-sat-next-to-me-in-the-TBS-web-but-went-off-to-finish-up-her-tutorial-work. What about? Mainly:

a) The life of a university student can be highly stressful.
b) Scratch that. The life of a uni student is fcking confusing.
c) My assignments are about to drive me up the nearest wall.
d) I have no idea where to begin attacking my work.
e) There's wayyyy too much to worry about in the 1st week already.
f) Right now, I really wish I was still in my SAM course.
g) Me, myself and I seem to be in need of a proper workout.
h) I need another mugful of the strongest espresso.

The last one was all my own. Honestly, at the rate my brain seems to going, I'm predicting I'll be asleep within 5minutes of my next tutorial class which happens to be a subject that I actually take some interest in. In which case, I dread to know what will happen to me in other subjects that bore me to tears.

*A hint here ::: My MPTE class seems to fall neatly under that category*

One thing that shocked many ('cept for those super smart ones that looked highly delighted and started drooling) was the fact that I'll be having a "quiz" (read ::: test) next week. First thoughts ::: "Huh? So fast??" I kid you not. That was how high my blur level was that fateful day the news was delivered. I'm beginning to dislike how uni life is turning out. Wish me luck that I might survive.