Thursday, January 8, 2009

~To Kor Chapter~

To Kor,

I'm gonna use superlatives all the way here so it'll sound like I've finally lost my marbles, eh? Bet you'll be hapy when that really does happen haha. You deserve all these superlatives anyway, down to the full-stop ;))

Have I ever told you that you're the bestest, greatest, wonderfullest, craziest, amazingest, funniest, friendliest, delightfullest, nicest, wackiest, super-est, weirdest, kindest, generous-est, happiest, merriest, wittiest, sporting-est, gentlest, caring-est, unselfish-est, marvellous-est, awesomest, finest, zanyest, liveliest, willing-to-share-everything-possible-est, most incredible person everrrr? Ever ever afterrrrr? No?? Well then, here you go, this is what I really think of you, right from the bottom of my heart :))

Thanks loadsss for doing, well, everything that you've done for me (fine, I know I'm to lazy to type it all down but you know what you did anyway) and also for giving me every bit of attention whenever I start demanding for it. Heh heh.

Don't you ever change! Not even the slightest bit or I'll lose the person I know!

P.S ::: Well, you might want to lose the long-ish hair though, the shorter version is waaaayyy better, trust me.

P.P.S ::: And if I'm a monkeh then you must consent to being called a donkeh by meee!! Mwahahahahahaha!!

P.P.P.S ::: Oh and, that little picture above is how I see you taking care of me :))

xoxo, "love you too "