Sunday, March 22, 2009

~What Happens Chapter~

As it so helpfully says, my blog post today is all about what really transpires behind the closed door of my bedroom when I park my butt and try to attack my growing mountain of assignments (this blog post only appearing thanks to the fact that I'm practically crying with frustration over my writer's block) :::

Decide to finish up marketing assignment that I've been staring at for the past two weeks.

Run downstairs to raid the fridge for some sweet treats to keep me awake.

Reply a few "pressingly urgent" smses......continue grumpily with the assignment.

Switch my attention to my opposite neighbour who's waving madly at me for some reason or the other.

After establishing the reason for the waving (neighbour wants me to go for a jog later on), I plough on.

Identify the subtle hints of coffee and cheese omelette smells coming from downstairs, so I run out for a quick tea break.

Abandon marketing and decide to try my luck on management, hoping inspiration comes more easily.

Happy that I've written a few sentences.....decide to continue resolutely despite the fact that my IM buddies are beeping me non-stop.

Give in to the IM beepings and realise that a bit of gossiping would do my almost-fried brain cells some good.

Go for that much needed jog with neighbour including small furball that is his dog in tow (poor us, we ended up walking instead, no thanks to puffball who couldn't keep up).

Come back all sweaty and icky therefore, a good cold bath awaits me.

Mom yells for the "umpteenth time" (as she puts it la) to come downstairs for dinner.

Decide to chillax first (who CAN do any work immediately after a good meal??) and watch the news in order to stay updated on what's going on.

Stretch and finally make way back up to room.

After effectively staring at my management textbook for the whole time, I give up and turn to my business communication assignment instead.

Only the points of what MIGHT be written in the assignment is pathetically feeble.

Drowsiness taking over......stick a few icecubes down my shirt for good measure.

Give up, scream a goodnight to my opposite neighbour that effectively wakes up the neighbourhood, turn out room lights (leaving the toilet ones on, who knows what might be under my bed *shudder*) and its dreamland for yours truly :))