Thursday, August 28, 2008

~Fruit Sherberts Chapter~

Yesterday was history, tomorrow's way too far ahead and today's......erm......oh I forgot how the darned thing goes. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, yesterday's post was non-existent (sorry) and tomorrow's post is still uncertain so for today, we shall concentrate on the main thing: my post. As it is, I'm still recovering from the aftershock of my Economics presentation which was a mega humongous disaster. I stuttered a few times, had lyke really awkward pauses to find my words and basically couldn't pronounce simple, basic English words like "externalities". What came out instead was a pathetic excuse of "eks-nel-ta-lee-ties" that humiliated me to my very deepermost core. I mean like, wtf?? I pronounced words not properly for the first time in my whole schooling life! Ahh to heck with it......there's a first for everything no?

But yeah, apart from that, the aftereffects of my examination stress and the pressure of getting grades that are good enough to qualify me for a scholarship is making me highly jumpy and constantly on-the-edge. As it no, I'd rather not talk about my vaguely disturbing plans to end my life in the most honorable way possible in order to avoid what those mere mortals call "exams". HAH!! xD But now that my little secret is out (hehehe~~), I just want to say that I'll be living for as long as need be. Which is until all of my cousins and my tiny little baby of a sister (she's 16 this coming December, but really, I do think she is one) get married and I collect all of the angpaus given out *cue evil laughter*

As it is, college days were the funnest everrrrr and better than high school and primary and kindergarten (though my kindy's playground is super cool!). It still is kinda fun if you minus all that crap about homework and assignments and exams and goddamned presentations (there we go again~). Here's a random comment afore I sign off: "I love me, myself and I......but not so much as I love my bolster and my plate of Penang fried kuey teow." Zany? You better believe it. It's the stress talking.

How I am everyday, basically.